Home Investing Intelligence businesses, Large Pharma, MIC, and Large Agriculture management Hollywood, Politicians, and all Media. They dictate what to cowl and what to cowl up.

Intelligence businesses, Large Pharma, MIC, and Large Agriculture management Hollywood, Politicians, and all Media. They dictate what to cowl and what to cowl up.

Intelligence businesses, Large Pharma, MIC, and Large Agriculture management Hollywood, Politicians, and all Media. They dictate what to cowl and what to cowl up.


Operation Mockingbird paved the best way for the C.I.A. and different businesses to fully infiltrate and manipulate the mainstream media to manage narratives that profit huge business firms and push agendas. Twitter recordsdata confirmed authorities overreach to coverup scandals. It’s no marvel the Covid occasion was in a position to achieve success. They’re the hivemind.


h/t  lboog423


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