Home Companies York IE Hires New Marketing Specialist: Ashley Twombly

York IE Hires New Marketing Specialist: Ashley Twombly

York IE Hires New Marketing Specialist: Ashley Twombly


Let’s face it: Day one on the job can be daunting for any of us.

The unknown of who you will be working with, what they will think of you and what you will gain from your new position can be an intimidating thought.

From the second I walked through the door at York IE, I was instantly welcomed. (No, literally, CEO Kyle York happened to be standing right on the other side of the door, and we joked that he was York IE’s door greeter.)

I was then shown around the office, introduced to some of my new colleagues and assisted with my setup. You know, typical first day activities. But when I sat down and reflected on the first 10 minutes at my new job as an advisory services marketing specialist, I realized that this wasn’t just a typical first day. This was so much more.

In those first few moments, it registered that I had just walked into a powerhouse of a company with an unparalleled culture, a plethora of knowledge and a unique approach that has not been tried before. Right then and there, I confirmed that my leap of faith into the startup world, and more specifically York IE, was the right solution.

Solution to what, you might ask? The solution to my inescapable desire to be a part of something that would disrupt the ordinary and challenge my thinking.

Fast forward to the remainder of my first week, and simply I am blown away. I spent the majority of my time digesting information and asking questions and was astounded by the consistent message expressed from each member of the team. Across the board, each and every person I spoke with carried a humble outlook and a profound passion for York IE’s vision to reshape the way that startups are built, scaled and monetized. The takeaways from week one with York IE are matchless to any other professional experience I have had.

My appreciation for marketing stemmed from a young girl with a creative mind who was eager to uncover why people make the choices they do and what sways them in a certain direction. (That young girl was me.) What started as mere curiosity turned into a passion where I would devote my career to determining what drives people and how I could make an impact. When I first heard about York IE’s drumbeat marketing approach and the company’s intimate involvement with its clients, it clicked: This is the future.

I find it so irresistible to now be working for a company that is not only devoted to its clients, but its employees as well — fostering an open platform for growth and development within. I am eager to dive right in and find it both an incredible opportunity and a privilege to be working for a company that will continue to evolve and shape the model of startups as we know them. Let’s do this!


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