Home Market Analysis Why Diversity Matters in B2B Marketing

Why Diversity Matters in B2B Marketing

Why Diversity Matters in B2B Marketing


Diversity is an important part of the business landscape. Customers expect diversity and inclusion (D&I) to feature strongly in marketing campaigns by marketing experts. And, just as this applies to big brand advertisers, it also applies to niche B2B marketers like all of you in the insights and analytics industry.

Studies show that companies with a diverse workforce notice a 33% rise in productivity and those with a diverse board saw a 43% increase in profits. But, despite this, marketing businesses suffer from a lack of diversity amongst their employees. According to a recent survey:

  • 91% of marketing managers identify as heterosexual
  • 71.2% identify as white

This says nothing of the number of those with disabilities or from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Your long-term business goal should be to improve the diversity of your marketing team. In the meantime, there are lots of ways you can implement diverse marketing and take advantage of the fresh opportunities D&I brings.

What is diverse marketing?

Diverse marketing is one of the most critical types of marketing. It aims to represent all aspects of human diversity, including:

  • Age
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • Body type
  • Religion
  • Marital status
  • Socio-economic status
  • Mental or physical health
  • Military status

The best campaigns celebrate differences and empower diverse voices. An example is Coca-Cola’s “Together is Beautiful” campaign that showcased America’s diverse cultures and languages. Campaigns like this show how a diverse marketing message can speak to a wide range of people with different experiences and ideas.

Why is diverse marketing important?

Diverse marketing benefits companies by appealing to a broader audience, boosting your brand’s image, and attracting top talent. In contrast, ignoring diversity alienates potential customers and risks inciting a backlash.

1. Appeal to a broader audience

Unlike B2C, B2B purchasing decisions are rarely made by individuals. Instead, they tend to be a group decision that is signed off by multiple people. By appealing to a broader audience you are not only increasing your reach to new areas, but you are also recognizing the diversity that exists within companies and enhancing your possibility for success.

If people see your company representing them, they are more likely to choose your brand. It makes diversity crucial to succeeding in highly competitive retail markets.

2. Boost your brand’s image

Diverse marketing is also a great way to foster customer loyalty and boost your business reputation. For example, 38% of consumers are more likely to trust brands that have more diverse ads.

On the flip side, two in three customers have boycotted a company because of its stance on an issue. To show customers you are an excellent company, you need to be inclusive一and not just on the holidays.

3. Attract top talent to your business

Diverse marketing shows staff you value everyone’s talent equally. When people feel valued, they’re more productive, so your business performance is higher. For instance, the most ethnically diverse companies are 36% more profitable, while those with the highest gender diversity are 25% more profitable.

How to implement diverse marketing in your business

You need to practice D&I on all your outreach channels, from emails to company newsletters and social media. To implement a diverse marketing strategy, you should take the following steps:

1. Research your audience

A common mistake is assuming your audience has the same knowledge and experience. For instance, using a web teleconferencing app to communicate might be straightforward for some people but not for others. You should conduct comprehensive market research to understand your target market.

  • What are their experiences?
  • How can you represent their story?

By having a more comprehensive image of who your target market is you will be able to create marketing campaigns that appeal more successfully to your audience.

2. Use inclusive language and visuals

People connect with your brand when they see themselves in your adverts. So, use visuals that depict a variety of ages, ethnicities, body types, abilities, relationships, and so on in your advertising initiatives. Plus, make sure colors and fonts are inclusive for people who are colorblind or have dyslexia or other disabilities.

Also, use inclusive language. Avoid gender in terms and use gender-neutral language like “they”, “you”, “partner”, or “spouse”. Stay up-to-date with preferred pronouns and terms.

3. Avoid harmful stereotypes

Stereotyping is a common problem in advertising. For example, 66% of African-Americans say their ethnicity is often shown stereotypically. So, when depicting a diverse audience, it’s vital to ensure you haven’t used stereotypes. After all, not everyone with autism likes math, and not all Chinese people are kung-fu masters.

4. Get feedback from a range of viewpoints

You should consult people with first-hand experience for your campaigns. For instance, if you want to show minority-owned businesses using your web security software, you should consult business owners from minority backgrounds.

You should also get customer feedback before, during, and after a marketing campaign. If someone highlights a potential issue, make the necessary changes. If your ad doesn’t get the engagement you thought it would, find out why. Asking for feedback and acting on it shows you value customers’ opinions, and can help your reputation.

5. Assess your current campaigns

You should assess your current campaigns to see if they meet D&I standards.

  • Is one group represented more than others?
  • Are some groups shown negatively?
  • Have you included stereotypes, for instance, about gender roles?

Also, before launching an advertising campaign, run it by your entire team. Someone might see something you don’t. Once you’ve assessed where you are, you can take steps to be more inclusive.

6. Prioritize diversity in recruitment

The best way to ensure you cater to a diverse market is to increase the diversity of your marketing team. You should provide career development opportunities to people from all backgrounds, especially marginalized communities.

To prevent bias, try conducting blind interviews and removing names and other personal information from resumés. There are also companies that can help you hire diverse talent, like Include.io.

The Takeaway

Marketing should reflect the entire human experience, not just a narrow part of it.

Diversity within the marketing research industry helps you appeal to a broader audience and boost your brand’s image. As such, it can help you build a base of loyal customers on which to grow. There are many ways you can implement diverse marketing in your business. But your long-term goal should be to increase the diversity of your workforce.


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