Home Investing They seriously want to kill the farming industry. No gas, no green energy and cows will be fined for farting – Investment Watch

They seriously want to kill the farming industry. No gas, no green energy and cows will be fined for farting – Investment Watch

They seriously want to kill the farming industry. No gas, no green energy and cows will be fined for farting – Investment Watch


by BoatSurfer600


Reports that the government is planning to ban solar farms from most of farmland across England has left some farmers and landowners ‘dismayed and surprised’.

The new Defra Secretary, Ranil Jayawardena is understood to be against solar panels on farmland because it impedes the government’s programme of growth and boosting food production.

According to media reports, Mr Jayawardena has asked officials to redefine the ‘best and most versatile’ land (BMV) that is earmarked for farming, to include a middle to low category 3b.

While most farmers are likely to support the protection of grade 3 farmland, the proposed policy change would make it more difficult to develop solar energy, unless the development of upland areas is allowed.



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