Home Stock Market GameStop transacts over $1.7M in the first 24 hours of debuting its NFT marketplace : stocks

GameStop transacts over $1.7M in the first 24 hours of debuting its NFT marketplace : stocks

GameStop transacts over $1.7M in the first 24 hours of debuting its NFT marketplace : stocks


GameStop launched its beta NFT marketplace yesterday and blew past approx. $1.7M in transactions, and that’s only considering the top 25 collections on the platform. NFT’s up for trading currently range from images, gifs, 3D models, music, and TV shows. This is just the beta state so what’s up on the marketplace is quite limited. It’s still surprising how much volume was achieved already, most likely due to the hype surrounding its first day release.

I don’t see any games on there yet, but I suspect these are forthcoming once GameStop patches up the bugs and the marketplace is out of its beta state. It’s part of GameStop’s roadmap with its partners it is a thing, just a matter of when. What I’m super curious about though is what kind of content is possible outside of the gaming and art scene.

Hoping for a legitimate discussion about the long-term success of GameStop’s marketplace and what that means for the stock. I mean, the website looks pretty sleek and there’s some really cool and really stupid content on there, but seems like there is potential if popular brands start jumping in and releasing exclusive NFTs.



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