Humans have a natural avoidance of pain. And it’s no different in trading.Most traders fear losses more than they enjoy their wins.After trading for 20+ years and teaching thousands of students how to...
Take a look at the chart below and tell me what you see…I earned my first $1 million trading this exact pattern.In fact, this pattern is so powerful that within the last few...
Hey trader. Tim here.Despite the free-fall in stocks…There are still monster plays to be made if you’re patient and know where to look.Today I want to cover one of my favorite setups I...
Hey Trader. Tim Here.Nothing gets traders glued to their televisions like good, old-fashioned fear.Financial news outlets love to gin up panic to get more eyeballs.They parade pundits across the screen like the Westminster...
I get a variety of questions from new merchants. One of the simplest ways to get your buying and selling questions answered is to hitch my Buying and selling Problem. However as...