by Michael
Things have never been harder for America’s farmers and ranchers than they are right now. Their relentless hard work keeps us fed, but now many of them are being financially ruined by...
almost breaking newsoriginal post“I’m surprised by markets’ interpretation,” Mr. Kashkari said in an interview. “The committee is united in our determination to get inflation back down to 2 percent, and I think we’re...
I know many people who hang out here don't care much about Technical Analysis (TA).I used to be skeptical about TA, yet I was always the one asking "how far is the current...
By no means does this recent selloff mean that Doximity is a deep value investment. It is still priced at quite a premium. But with the future prospects, this valuation is...
As we see more rotation into value stocks again, I trust this will be a profitable contribution to your investment objectives in 2022! JD Henning, PhD, MBA, CFE, CAMS References...
A perfect storm has been brewing in the U.S. economy. Supply constraints coupled with increased demand built up during the pandemic have led to rapid inflation. The Fed is now taking action by...