Japan industry minister Nishimura:
- will decide measures on Sakhalin-1
while talking with its partners - Sakhalin-1 is still
important energy source for japan to reduce its reliance on middle
east - No immediate impact
on japan’s oil supply by Russia’s decree on Sakhalin-1 as japan
has already stopped importing oil from the project - Carefully monitoring
talks between Nissan and Renault - Japan is
investigating impact on Japanese companies from Petronas recent
force majeure on lng supply - Japan has requested
Petronas to minimize impact on its supply to japan by restarting
production as soon as possible and providing alternatives
Also, from Japan chief cabinet secretary Matsuno:
- Tuesday’s border control easing for foreign tourists utilises weak
yen’s merit, benefits japan’s economy - japan takes very
seriously Russia’s attack to Ukrainian cities, citizens, will
strongly condemn unacceptable acts