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Improving Heart Patients’ Lives with Left Atrial Appendage (LAA) Closure Devices

Improving Heart Patients’ Lives with Left Atrial Appendage (LAA) Closure Devices

Left atrial appendages (LAA) closure devices are medical equipment that are positioned in the left atrium of patients suffering from atrial fibrillation. These devices prevent the stroke-causing blood clots from entering the main bloodstream. Some of the highly used LAA devices are WATCHMAN, Amulet, WaveCrest, and others. Although the treatment might sound like an ideal solution for the patients, it also has many serious side-effects.

Princy A. J  | 
September 16, 2022

People’s unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits have surged the chances of obesity and cardiovascular diseases like stroke even among the youth. And thanks to the devastating covid-19 catastrophic, the number of complaining patients have increased exponentially across the globe. Besides, the prevalence of depression and anxiety attacks has compelled us all to keep sulking in our beds and refrain from any sort of workouts. These factors scream for left atrial appendage (LAA) closure devices and other alternative treatments.

What are Left Atrial Appendages Closure Devices and Their Types?

Left atrial appendages (LAA) closure devices are advanced medical implements that are solely used to prevent cardiac arrests and strokes in people suffering from atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is commonly referred to as an irregular and rapid heart rate that causes poor blood flow. Bodies suffering from atrial fibrillation develop blood clots in the left atrium which can pass to other body parts through blood flow, therefore causing strokes. Left atrial appendages closure devices are positioned in the left atrium to seal the blood flow partially to prevent strokes in patients. 

The three most common types of left atrial appendage closure devices are:

  1. Devices that can block the left atrial appendage’s opening to prevent the entry of blood clots formed in the LAA into the main bloodstream. Ex., Amulet, WATCHMAN, WaveCrest, and others.
  2. Devices that use a band to close off the LAA completely. Ex., Sierra, Lariat, etc.
  3. Devices that clamp the LAA’s base to close it completely.

Who is Eligible for Left Atrial Appendage Closure Treatment and Are There Any Side-effects?

People who are going through the following issues are highly eligible for left atrial appendage closure treatment:

  1. Unable to take or endure blood-thinning medications or continue to have blood clot issues despite blood-thinners
  2. Patients who have not undergone an invasive procedure like open-heart surgery

Some possible side-effects of LAA treatment are:

  • Damage to heart valves
  • Blood clots
  • Blood pressure changes
  • Infection
  • Reaction to anesthesia
  • Abnormal heart rhythm
  • Cardiac arrest

How the Recovery Looks Like After the LAA Closure?

If you had a left atrial appendage closure treatment, your recovery afterwards will depend on which other surgery you’ve had before.

If you’ve undergone a minimally invasive procedure using a catheter, chances are your recovery will be quicker and you may also go home the very next day. After the LAA closure treatment, the patient is advised to take warfarin and aspirin for 45 days since this is how long the body’s tissues take to adjust with the device to avoid any gaps around it. After 45 days, you’ll then be advised to take warfarin, clopidogrel, and aspirin for another six months.

Enjoying Life Better with Advanced Medical Technologies Like LAA Closure

The medical science has evolved to great extents and with treatments like left atrial appendage closure, patients with atrial fibrillation and other heart issues can literally have second chances at enjoying life again! In fact, according to market analysts, the global left atrial appendage (LAA) closure device market is predicted to generate a revenue of $8,218.10 million and grow at a 20.97% CAGR during the 2022-2031 forecast period.

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