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FAQ: Forrester Global Technology Awards

FAQ: Forrester Global Technology Awards

Wow! We officially launched Forrester’s Global  Technology Awards on April 27th and we have already received tons of interest from firms across the globe! Exciting! Over the past couple of weeks, I have addressed questions from some these organizations and I wanted to summarize the key answers below:

What are these awards about? Couple of important things to think about:

  1. This is about customer obsession and future fitness. These awards will recognize the technology organizations and their leaders that are putting the customer at the center of their leadership, strategy, and operations. These leaders and their teams help their entire businesses become adaptive, creative, and resilient — what Forrester calls future fit.
  2. This is about capabilities, not projects. This is not another digital transformation award.  These awards will celebrate technology organizations that have built technology capabilities – across people, practices, platforms, and partners – that help their firm become more customer obsessed with adaptivity, creativity, and resilience.

Which award category should you choose? There are 2 awards categories: 

  1. Forrester’s Technology Strategy Impact Award. Choose this award category if you have developed an enterprise-wide technology strategy that puts the customer at the center of your firm’s operating model. Your high-performing IT operating model leverages a continuous, iterative, and integrated strategy-to-value delivery process linking business objectives, through business capabilities, with end-to-end value streams. And you have developed a mastery at leveraging (at scale) modern technology platforms, adaptive business and technology practices, and co-innovation partners.
  2. Forrester’s Enterprise Architecture Award. Choose this award category if you have developed an outcome-driven Enterprise Architecture capability that drives material contribution to your firm becoming more adaptive, creative, and resilient, ultimately improving business outcomes.

What’s in it for my organization?

  • Recognition: This is a great way to recognize the contributions that your team has made to the success of your company delivering for customers. You should investigate the award as both a framing for your strategy and as a north star for its execution.
  • Participation in Forrester’s Technology & Innovation events: We will announce the winners during the following events:
    • North America: 29, 30 September in Austin & Digital Experience
    • Europe: October 13, 14 in London & Digital Experience
    • Asia-Pacific: November 15, 16 in Sydney & Digital Experience
  • Case studies: based on your firm’s authorization, Forrester analysts will work with the laureates to write in depth case studies about your future fit technology strategy and related outcomes.

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