BRAZIL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION KEY POINTS:Brazilians will head to the polls on Sunday to elect the next presidentFormer President Lula is expected to prevail over incumbent Bolsonaro, but may not receive enough votes to...
OIL PRICES FORECASTOil prices rally, extending their recovery that began last weekTechnical signals are not yet overly bullish, but the situation could improveTrendline resistance crossing by the $91.00 area in focus in the...
US STOCKS OUTLOOK:The S&P 500 erases a 1% gain in early morning and slides 0.84% at the market closeNews that Apple may slow hiring and cut spending plans to counter rising economic risks...
OIL PRICE OUTLOOK: SLIGHTLY BULLISHOil prices plunge on recession fears and reach their lowest level in nearly a month, but the sell-off appears overdone Despite the large drop over this past week, tight...
US STOCKS OUTLOOK:U.S. stocks erase Wednesday’s gains and turn sharply lowerThe S&P 500 plummets more than 3% and hits new 2022 lowsSelling activity on Wall Street appears to be triggered by fears that...
ENERGY STOCKS:After Friday's solid gains, energy stocks plunge at the start of the week, leading Wall Street sell-offSharp pullback in oil and natural gas prices weighs on the sector, but risk-averse sentiment exacerbates...